Does anyone have suggestions for wedding ceremony music? - examples of wedding seating
What are some good tips for playing classical music for my wedding (the search for individuality in the music that is not as often as needed)?
For example, the seat of the results, then for the train, then for the bride, and then leave for the ceremony?
(I am married in a Baptist church with an official ceremony)
Hail Mary. It is a very beautiful song. I bought a CD of the wedding last night because I will next week with my DJ and I never thought about the music. Ave Maria is the best song I heard on the CD track.
Try ideas.
Try ideas.
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
It would be great if the people sit, or if the employees walk in the hallway. ...
It would be great if the people sit, or if the employees walk in the hallway. ...
F * &% in NWA Police
F * &% in NWA Police
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